HVAC Design, Streamlined.

Engineers and designers use HVAKR to seamlessly develop mechanical designs under budget and ahead of schedule.

A Techstars portfolio company


One User-Friendly Interface

Discover the easiest way to:

  • Develop a Basis-of-Design
  • Takeoff and Zone Spaces
  • Perform Load Calcs
  • Size Equipment
  • Design Duct Systems
  • and more...

Real Team Collaboration

HVAKR's web-based platform enables simultaneous collaboration in real time. Share your project with team members to divide and conquer with zero hassle.

HVAKR users work faster

Logan Ellingson

Project Manager @ Windsor Engineers

"We estimate that it takes us half the time to run load calculations in HVAKR, and revising the calcs due to architectural updates is no longer a big deal. HVAKR will be used for all of our heating and cooling load calculations going forward. The visual nature of making inputs on the floor plans gives us peace of mind that we have not made errors."

Tyler Tonjum, PE

Mechanical Engineer @ Jackola Engineering & Architecture

"We love the program, it’s just so dagum efficient to run loads with."

Jacob Edwards, PE

Mechanical Engineer @ Goodwin Lasiter Strong

"HVAKR has reduced the time spent on load calculations by at least half. For us, the most valuable aspect of HVAKR has been the real time load calculations. This has proved invaluable not only when selecting zones, but also when adjusting things like airflows, temperatures, internal loads, etc."

Jon Rumohr, PE

Principal @ IGNYTE Design

"HVAKR does a fantastic job for us by helping us increase our efficiency and workflow for load calculations. It's straightforward and efficient. The single biggest impact is that the team actually wants to do the load calculations now. Before it was a burden."

ASHRAE & ACCA Compliant Modes and Methods

Learn more about how HVAKR complies with ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183 here.

Smooth is fast. And fast saves money.

HVAKR users complete HVAC designs in half the time. How much would that save you?

Hours spent actively designing per month


How much is your time worth to you?


Savings with HVAKR
